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My Approach

My approach to therapy is rooted in a profound curiosity for people's individual circumstances, and a belief in the power of the individual to self actualise i.e. we all have the answers within us, therapy can be a catalyst to tease these answers out. Influenced no doubt by my early academic background in philosophy. This has instilled in me a strong focus on life’s larger questions, such as purpose, meaning, and fulfilment. In therapy, I often explore these existential themes with clients, helping them navigate life’s uncertainties, find clarity in their values, and define what it means to live authentically.
As an integrative therapist, my training allows me to draw on various therapeutic approaches to suit the unique needs of each client. I primarily work with person-centred, psychodynamic, and existential modalities. This combination of approaches allows for a flexible, tailored process that not only addresses immediate concerns but also fosters deeper self-awareness and long-term personal growth.

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